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How to Participate

Provide liquidity during the first 100 days, or hold certain tokens and digital assets

TLDR: participate in specific projects by holding the token or staking, and be eligible to claim a free $HEXIT airdrop 😍

Airdrop Eligibility

The following users can claim $HEXIT for free: if you hold $HEXIT at the time of airdrop (after sacrifice ends) or if you hold T-SHARES from the Hex contract.

TokenTypeBonus Multiplier




Hex T-share



Total Power represents the sum of both, plus the total daily points described in the next section:

(9 * Sacrifice Total USD) + (1 * Hex Staking Total USD) + Total Daily HEXIT

If you participated in the bootstrap phase and sacrificed tokens to Hex One Protocol, or are staking in the Hex Protocol, you may be entitled to claim free $HEXIT tokens.

Last updated