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Incentive Token ($HEXIT)

The Incentive Token works as a mechanism to further delay gratification.

TLDR: to acquire $HEXIT, participants must stake their LPs and/or sacrifice to the correct address, during the accepted period.

Incentive Token

The Hex One Incentive Token, or $HEXIT, has the purpose of being an extra incentive for those who wish to further delay gratification and lock-up liquidity in pools.

By staking LPs, depositors can claim $HEXIT, which has a number of mechanics to make it more scarce and valuable, just like $PULSE and $PULSEX.

How It Works

Incentive Token Pumpanomics

Let's discuss the features added to Hex One Incentive Token and the logic that will make it scarcer.



All $HEXIT in existance will be created at launch

Less inflation should increase the probability of price appreciation

Lock liquidity

Depositors must lock LPs in order to receive a greater share of $HEXIT in staking

  • The possibility of removing liquidity greatly diminishes

  • Less tokens are available for sale

Staking ladder

By adding liquidity pairs to $HEXIT, depositors are able to climb the APR ladder

$HEXIT is locked in liquidity pools, making the token even scarcer

Longer pays better

When you stake $HEXIT, the longer you stake if for, the more rewards you collect

To increase staking gains, participants cannot leave the staking pool

Last updated